If stress, overwhelm, feeling burnt out and not good enough are holding you back from living a life that brings you joy and fulfilment, Thrive Within is here to help you move forward.
Subconscious imprinting, along with acupuncture, restores your sense of self so you can feel calm and confident living the life you want to live.

Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice that helps relieve ailments by bringing the body back into balance using small single use needles. The needles are inserted into specific points on the body and can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments. Acupuncture can help relieve physical pain, address the root issue of acute and chronic issues, help relieve mental emotional stress, prevent illness, maintain overall health and bring your nervous system back into a state of rest and digest. Acupuncture is effective on its own and can also be combined with SIT, cupping, guasha, electric stimulation and access bars, depending on what is required.
Better Health and a Better Life Start Here
Many people come to Thrive Within because they have tried everything, but “everything” is just not working. What we don’t realize is just how much our bodies and minds absorb from the world around us and how that affects us in the long term.
If you are ready for a massive shift in your life, we are ready to help you begin the journey. We look forward to meeting you in-person or virtually!
Subconscious Imprinting dives deeper into the connection between your mind and body
Many people are amazed at what is uncovered and realized during a single subconscious imprinting session. Subconscious imprinting reveals links between the mind and body that you may not even realize are there.
Stress, trauma, and uncertainty can lead to tension and illness, physical and emotional. If you have ever experienced stomach pain just before an important event or tension in your shoulders after a stressful day, you have experienced the intense connection between mind and body. The long-term effects of emotional stress can be expressed in many ways, from a chronically sore neck to the inability to move forward in your life.
Each session is different because we all have different experiences in life. The results can be different as well. However, if you are ready to explore this connection and truly begin healing, the impact on your life and wellbeing will be tremendous.
For more detailed information about what to expect during and after treatment, visit our FAQ page or reach out to us directly!
Relational dynamics require both people to play their roles in order for the dynamic to never shift. It only takes one person to shift the dynamic of a relationship by no longer playing their role.
The other person not changing is a great opportunity to practice playing a different role than you normally would.
#relationships #selfhelp #subconscious #thrivewithin #stalbert #edmonton #improveyourlife #feelbetter
This was a HUGE turning point for me in my journey!
I used to blame other people and circumstances as to why I was unhappy.
I was constantly comparing what I wish my life looked like what it truly was (and my reality was always worse than what I wished.)
Unhelpful self help and toxic spirituality kept me believing that if I just envisioned it, it would come true. It kept me believing that my reality was created by my thoughts and my life wasn’t “abundant” because I had a scarcity mindset 🥴😂
Being with the reality of what was, was SO freeing! I didn’t have to gaslight myself anymore or wait for anyone else or anything else to have to change in order for me to be happier.
I could begin to change things!
I could begin to believe in myself!
And by being with the reality of what was, my life actually started changing! Go figure!
Sometimes a perspective shift can make things instantly better.
I work with people to help them feel better and improve their lives by incorporating techniques that work on the physical, emotional, cognitive and subconscious levels.
#thrivewithin #selfhelp #emotions #subconscious #edmonton #stalbert #sherwoodpark
Obviously there is so much more to this.
How do you shift in relation to other people?
Shifting habits that aren’t in relation to other people can also be helpful.
Even if you aren’t shifting within relation to another person, you are made up of a whole bunch of different parts. So really, you are shifting in relation to others by shifting your relationship to yourself.
But honestly, this idea would have given me pause a few years ago because I was hell bent on improving my life through habits alone and low and behold that was not what ended up helping me the most. Go figure.
Also interesting that with subconscious imprinting, the issue worked on is usually something that happened in relationship to other people in your past. And then is still showing up in relationship to other people now. Or has physically/emotionally manifested in your body in some way.
Anyways, take from it what you will and see how it sits with you.
#thrivewithin #selfhelp #subconsciousimprinting #edmonton #stalbert #sherwoodpark